Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Meditation: Being Present

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Whoa, mull over that quote one more time. Yes, your life is only ever now! The present moment is all we have but we live in a culture that is deeply ingrained with overstimulation, maximizing the multi-tasking mentality, and constantly trying to get ahead. Don't get me wrong--I am incredibly thankful to live in America, and better yet, CLEVELAND, but I think we often times get so wrapped up in our daily routines, appointments, events, chores, projects, etc. that we literally miss out on the entire day. I fully admit that I am guilty of this too. I am the epitome of a planner, life organizer, worrier, juggler of 10 tasks at once. So sometimes I have to step back, take a deep breath, focus, and remind myself...
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Yes, the time is NOW! Full disclosure, I'm not recommending for you to lose your sense of responsibility or live a reckless life, but I am deeply encouraging you to enjoy the present, enjoy the now. Whether it's taking the time to paint my nails (not while eating breakfast, slurping down coffee, and heading out the door to work--guaranteed to smudge the crap out of them!!) sending a thoughtful surprise to my awesome family, delving into a good book with absolutely no distractions (turn off the TV and shut the door), having a great conversation with someone face to face (not checking the cell phone or planning my response!) or just appreciating a beautiful sunrise/sunset to its fullest extent...please remember that: 

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Focus on the task and moment of now. Be fully present and appreciate the simple moments in your day.  Take the time to show up, show up for yourself, and show up for the now..because that's really all you have.  The next moment is NOT more important than this, savor the now...
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica! Just hopped over from another blog and am your 12th follower! So excited to find this little string of Cleveland bloggers! We've been on the westside for about 3 years now and it's really grown on us. We're both born and raised Kansas Citians, but Cleveland has a lot of similarities to KC. Anyway, looking forward to following along and perhaps meeting you at an OBA meetup someday!


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