Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blue Plastic Bag: My Spring Poem to CLE!

As I've mentioned in previous posts--I have a passion for creative writing and poetry, part of the reason why I started writing this blog anyway! I minored in creative writing during my college years and was recently going through my portfolio when I came across this spring poem I wrote about CLE almost six years ago to date... my how the seasons fly by!

Blue Plastic Bag

It was a windy March afternoon
when I spotted the blue plastic bag
flying above the Carnegie bridge
into the slate gray Cleveland sky. 

It whipped around the
steel beams,
and rose
and sank,
breathing in the air.

How did it get so high
up there?

Did somebody let it go
out their car window?

Did it leap from the garbage can
after somebody no longer used it
to carry their fresh bread from the Market?

Maybe, it blew in from Canada
after someone left it at the cold beach,
opting for a picnic indoors instead.

Or maybe it let out someone's crumpled bills
and shredded documents
for someone to find
and piece together.

Perhaps it was freed from underneath a stone
when some pedestrian hurried past.

Maybe, the leaves finally brushed off
when the wind came by
to scoop it up
and take it for a ride.

-JAM, March 2007

The infamous (white) plastic bag scene 
from "American Beauty"

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